Eplex7 DSP Klerhaim N1 – monophonic analog VST synthesizer with virtual circuit emulation technology
There are many virtual analog emulation synthesizers available, but unfortunately 99,5% of them are far from real analog hardware synths (sounding sterile, digital, cold, boring, robotic, uniformly, numb and sharp).
( VIDEO TEST + Polyphonic mode by: Obsessive Audio youtube channel )
Firstly because they are made by coders, not electronic engineers. They perfectly understand the code but not circuits, electronic components and physics. We are both: programmers and educated electronic engineers with more than 18 years of experiences.
And also… basic code cannot behave like electricity in real analog circuits.
That is a reason why we developed our own virtual circuit technology. We are emulating whole analog circuits, electronic components and modules of synthesizer + their behavior in various situations, noises, feedbacks, interfering signals etc.
See video for better understanding: the difference between digital and real analog synthesizer.
In real analog synthesizer everything is moving, changing, modulating, living… analog synth is like a living organism. Nothing is static. The electricity and circuits are in constant “chaos”.
Analog oscillator waveforms are not precise, sharp and always the same like in digital synths. They are changing their shape, have a noise, harmonics, ringing, modulating their tone / pitch, volume etc.
Also output from oscillator module is saturated. It is not just output of whole synthesizer but output of every circuit / module. More volume of oscillator = more saturation and color.
Analog envelopes (modulating filter, amp or pitch) are not linear like in digital synths. They are exponential and changing their shape in time / different one with every different note. Including some noise and harmonics too. The peaks / spikes are not digitally sharp but analogue round.
The filters are creating small distortion / harmonics. They are not perfectly stable. The values are changing 0,1%. Including is the noise and output is saturated. Simply everything is “living” in analog synthesizer because of laws of physics / electricity.
Every note sounds a little bit different, that is why analog sound is rich, organic, warm and fat like real instrument.
We have successfully emulated analog behavior, individual circuits and electronic components.
from music producers
TG Music – Thomas is producer and instructor of music production workshops
(Lollapalooza, Ultra Music Festival, Godskitchen, FSOE Buenos Aires, Creamfields, Armada Music)
“Impactful sound and realism. Amazed on how this sound translates on serious sound-systems as Clubs & SubBass environments. Lots of presence and incredibly penetrating low frequencies.
Also its analog movement and circuit behavior is probably the most noticeable virtue and feels ultra natural on the body.
Pioneers on recreating analog.”
Petteri Sainio – Award winning music composer for TV, trailers and films
(Clients: Mercedes-Benz, Toyota, Ferrari, Audemars Piguet, QNB, SEGA, Inno Games and others)
“ Klerhaim N1 sounds really amazing. It is not an analogue synth, but probably THE MOST ANALOGUE sounding VST synth I have ever heard”
Short preview:
“First: congrats on release. Sound is out of this world. At some sweetspots this is the best vsti I ever heard. Honey to my ears…”
(maykie at YouTube)
“If you are looking for a good analog emulation at a good price, Klerhaim is worth the investment. It does a great job of providing that old Moog style sound.
(Behrend, KVR member)
It is one of the first VST synth plugins I have bought for less than 100 USD, where I could close my eyes and imagine I was sitting in front of an actual analog synth.
If you want this beast to sound more “polished” like other programmers emulations, add a reverb, or delay with about a 20% wet mix.
This is easily the best analog emulation in its price range.”
“Really impressive emulation technology. Very rich and smooth in the ears…”
(Homero Baroni at YouTube)
“The Klerhaim N1 is an awesome new synth built using a clever method to simulate the soulful uncertainty of analog sound. This synth provides a subtle dynamic character that will add life to your music. Thanks Eplex7!”
(ACM, Eplex7 customer)
“… it sounds very much like an ancient mono analogue thing, I think I will be using this a lot…”
(Zipede, KVR member since 2017)
“I love this plugin amazing sounds and I love how you can customize it also the sound emulation is great. Really recommend it.”
(zayn1985, KVR member)
“I am enjoying their vacuum tube and just bought this. They seem to mirror the notion that math is the language of the universe. I believe in their theory about dsp. Super impressed.”
(alley_yooper at Gearspace forum)
“I wouldn’t have a clue what kind of jiggery pokery went into the development, programming and building of this but what it does, it does very well! Simple, not too many bells and whistles, but sounds gritty and certainly ‘analogue’ to me. Well done! … Well done Eplex7 team!”
(Dobz79 at Gearspace forum)
“I think N1 is bold and beautiful in it’s not so static sound, it behaves more like an Analog synth, than any other VST-I. Most plugins lack character…”
(Jesper, Eplex7 customer)
“I have Neopsy kick and Klerhaim N1as well. Huge sounding synth, great for basses and leads.”
(analog, Eplex7 customer, Gearspace member)
“my dream becomes true, this synthesizer is evolving organism like real analog”
(Krenkrawler, Eplex7 customer)
“… I think the core engine is awesome. Like in your vacuum tube VD76, which I love…”
(nichttuntun, at YouTube)
“… Loved the grittiness in the demo of sounds…”
(Chemik, KVR member since 2011)
“Sound nice. The price is right…”
(sakamoto, Gearspace member since 2015)
“…it’s different and much more organic than most. Thanks!”
(Robert, Eplex7 customer)
“sounding more analog than many modern real analog hw synths”
(Edward Smith, Eplex7 customer)
“This sounds quite nice. I think with Klerhaim N1 you start very promising project…”
(Halonmusic, KVR member since 2014)
“Your approach is refreshing and intriguing.”
(Matteo, Eplex7 customer)
“…It really does sound so nice, man. Awesome job…”
(Floodlight, Gearslutz forum)
“Dirty as real vintage analog”
(Andrew B., Eplex7 customer)
“This thing really sounds old, gritty, powerful and analog! Been having a lot of fun with this synth over the last days. Love it! … Exciting to see what future updates will bring!”
(Kaysa at YouTube)
“you guys sampled analog synths? it sounds like sampled hardware analog synth not VST”
(Roberto C., Eplex7 customer)
“Very big fan of what’s being done here. Fully support it and must buy. It really does sound so nice, man. Awesome job. ”
(Floodlight, Gearspace member)
“yeah really nice, tons of character. ”
(BobMaloogalooga at Gearspace forum)
“This is sounds excellent, really convincing analog sound. Top shelf stuff, great job!”
(teletron, Gearspace forum)
“Wow, good sound, very convincing.”
(Axel Foley, at YouTube)
“…yeah really nice, tons of character.”
(BobMaloogalooga, Gearspace forum)
“You guys make great stuff.”
(Brian, Eplex7 customer)
See a video for better understanding and try demo.
Compare it with other VST synthesizers, do not be confused with marketing bullshits, use your ears.
Klerhaim N1 is not exact emulation of one existing analog synthesizer. We preferred to analyze more than 5 analog synths of vintage 60s 70s and 80s era. The analyze of individual circuits (oscs, filters, lfos, envelopes, etc.) not just output sound and combine various different vintage analog circuits to one complex synthesizer VST plug-in emulation.
Klerhaim N1 – presets overview
– 2 analog type voltage controlled oscillators with saw, triangle, square, ramp, pulse 1, pulse 2 waveforms, volume control, octave selector, fine-tune control, LFO mod control, on / off switch
(with complete analog emulation behavior like saturation, noise, harmonics, automatic pitch modulation / interference, etc.)
– Analog temperature control (emulation of circuit temperature – more temperature = more noise and interference signals)
– pink / white noise generator + on / off switch
– Analog exponential amp envelope with attack, decay, sustain, release controls and 7 different shapes of envelope for different sound / different type of modulation
– Analog exponential filter envelope with attack, decay, sustain, release controls and 7 different shapes of envelope for different sound / different type of modulation
– Voltage controlled low pass analog emulated filter with 12 / 24db slope and slope selector. With cutoff, emphasis, tracking and envelope mod. Controls
– 2x LFO (with saw, triangle, square, ramp, pulse waveforms) speed and depth control
– Output analog saturation
– Glide and pitchbend controls
– preset manager with 100 presets (leads, bass, brass, stabs, acid, fx, special vintage sounds, keys)
– 2 versions available, classic and soft sounding (with softer vintage transients / peaks)

Here is what you get if you purchase FULL VERSION:
+3000 Plus GOOD KARMA Points (instead of -5000 minus Karma points if use pirated software 🙂
– Lifetime updates, access to additional bonus files and presets after releasing!
– Full version without any restrictions, with special wishes and registered to your name
– 2 versions available, classic and soft sounding (with softer vintage transients / peaks)
– preset manager with 100 presets
– Complete MIDI CC list (more Midi CC knobs available)
– Full version is 1 – 7% CPU faster, do not produce sharp noise and silence
NOTE: We manually generate full files within 24 hours of PayPal / Stripe transaction confirmation. Thanks for your patience. If you didn’t received download link after 36 h, please contact us.
BEFORE PURCHASE: We require you to download the demo plugin and try a compatibility with your DAW. All demos here.